The series marked as invisible are not taken in account in any calculations and they are not returned in series collection or shown in legend. additional scenarios, and just an overall refresh of the world to make it a bit. This applies to line items, line item subsets, simple lists, composite lists, numbered lists, and list subsets.
Note: you can make a series to be invisible at loading time using visible attribute of node. When new data items are added to a grid with any filter, sort, hide, or level-based selections in place, you must manually Refresh any chart based on that grid. If you update data in the original Excel chart while the document containing the imported chart is closed, refresh the chart data the next time you open it. It is very well established and has been on the market for more than 10 years. In the first sample the use of showSeries(seriesId, isVisible) is shown. An圜hart is a commercial library, but it is free for any non-profit use.

Should be called to apply the changes made. A success message appears, and the selected objects update and disappear.
js Pie Chart with Realtime Updating from SQL Server Database without Refreshing 1 Is. i have implemented the chart view in my app acording to the procedure which is given in the doc, but chart is not showing up, A little text calling anychart trial version is showing at the below. Convert chart pages from the legacy An圜hart format (which may no longer render. Note: Refresh() or View_Refresh(viewId) method An圜hart js charting library supports several ways of setting data. Adding, Removing, Changing, Hiding and Showing Series - An圜hart JavaScript Interactivity Adding, Removing, Changing, Hiding and Showing Series - An圜hart JavaScript Interactivity